I profoundly sure that every human, especially youth, start to determine and set their goals upon their life and begin to make a structure (or system) in their daily in order to put them closer to their goals. For instance, someone decided to involve in MUN, because s/he aim to join UN Organizations someday. Or someone who learn marxism deeply because s/he sees socialist is a better way of thinking which mostly suits him. Many of people create 'their way to bring themselves closer' by get involved in organizations/communities or making some projects related to their goals.
And so do I.
I've been (re-)thinking of every goals that I've been dreaming since long time ago, and I know, I have to make
something to make it comes true, or at least bring it closer to my life. I'm interested in many things, but two things which mostly occupy my mind is
write some works and
So, here I am giving you a little teaser to project that I keen to launch soon.
a journal about culture and heritage, and how they enchant humankind by their magnificent allure-- |
--A journal about a wanderer, who tells us a reflective story in every way she went-- |
and a journal, about human and humanism. |
(tunggu tanggal mainnya. coming [very] soon):